ISMO – Informational system for supporting management decision making




Jelena Gjorgjev



Master Thesis



Everyday we become more aware of the great impact of the globalization, which has made the world one big market where all companies have equal chances to sell their products and services, regardless of their size and financial power. The desire of the companies to highlight their products easier and to win the competition, because of the globalization, makes high-quality Management more needed than ever. Emerges a need of managers that possess a variety of relevant, accurate information that helps them to promptly make key decisions, decisions that suffer minimal errors because otherwise it can cause huge damage.

Decision-making is very complicated and complex process that consists of choosing one action (from the many alternatives offered) that most appropriately fits the situation, the conditions and the type of problem and that will help the best in solving it.

The bad impact of these conditions and the high demands of the world market is especially felt by the companies in our country, the Republic of Macedonia, where there is a shortage of high-quality managers. In response to this important issue and also to help in the rise of the companies and to simultaneously improve the economic situation of our country is offered a software solution or application called ISMO (Information system for supporting managerial decision making), which primary purpose is to support the process decision making by top managers. Using this software facilitates the work of the managers in the decision making process as well as reduces the risk of making a wrong decision, which can be fatal for the company.


ASP.Net, Microsoft SQL Server